EMF Protection For Digital Watches, Fit Bits And Hearing Aids

Smartwatches and other wearable tech are more popular than ever. But are you protected from their EMF? Check out our EMF protection for smart watches, FitBits and hearing aids. 
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Smartwatches and other wearable tech are more popular than ever. But are you protected from their EMF? Check out our EMF protection for smart watches, FitBits and hearing aids. 


Fitbits and other smart watches like the Apple Watch and Samsung Gear are really gaining a lot of popularity. These wearable devices offer additional functionalities to a normal watch allowing users to keep track of their fitness, read a text message, and so on. Technology like this almost gives people a James Bond feel.


According to Nielsen, about 3% of the Canadian population has a smart watch. That is 16% of the population that wear watches. The number is surely to pick up as these watches introduce much more functionalities.


What we tend to forget when we buy these smart watches and other wearable technology is the fact that they have an EMF; this means they expose us to electromagnetic radiation.


Even though the radiation is low in frequency and non-ionizing, it is still dangerous because when wearing the watch around your wrist, it is in direct contact with our skin.


Having this technology in direct contact with your skin can pose quite a risk since the radiation is directly being transferred to the cells for as long as you wear the watch giving it the chance to change the makeup of the cell. If you constantly allow radiation to transfer into your cells it will may cause your DNA to deform which can lead to cancer.


Since the frequency is low, it doesn't take a whole of measure from your end to combat it. Something as simple as the FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector can help you neutralize the impact of the radiation from wearable electronics like smart watches and hearing aids.


It does not require any additional effort from you. All you need to do is put the protector on the backside of the watch and it will work on its own to harmonize the radiation.

You can use the FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector on the following:

  • Mobile Phones
  • Portable Phones
  • Cordless Phones
  • Smart Watches
  • FitBits
  • Digital Hearing Aids


Smart watch EMF protection

Eliminate Harmful EMF Emissions

The FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector is specifically designed to protect you from harmful emissions and negative energy that smart watches and other smaller devices and wearable electronics emit. It does this by creating a healthy life force or chi around you.



EMF protection Orgone Energy Orgonite



The chi scatters the electronic emission which reduces their harmful effects. Since the protector is applied directly onto the device, it ensures none of the harmful emissions touch your skin directly allowing it to transfer into your cells.


EMF watch protection


Not only does the FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector protect you from the harmful emission of the device you are wearing, it also ensures you are safe from any radio frequency and signals picked up by the device. Since most of these wearable devices use wireless technology like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, you are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from their signals, so you need protection against those also.


There are some people who find that they are extremely sensitive to even the lowest frequency levels of these signals. It can cause pain and headaches and other symptoms.


However, some people may not be affected by the radiation emitted from these wearable electronics at all.


Health Problems Associated with Wearable Devices


EMF health issues


Radiation exposure, as already touched on, is one of the biggest concerns when we use wearables like our smart watches, FitBits, and hearing aids. Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) is emitted from these devices and some say these emissions can be placed on the same level as carcinogenslike you find with cigarette smoke.

One of the biggest concerns with smartwatches is the presence of a built-in cellular network, which is present in the Apple Watch. 

Research into the topic has not produced difinitive results.  However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a panel within the World Health Organization, concluded in 2011 that cellphones were 'possibly carcinogenic'. 


The panel concluded that the farther away a cellphone was from your head, the better. Of course, this was years before the invention of wearable tech, which many options now come with a built-in cellular network. 


In addition, a group of European researchers, led by a professor of oncology and cancer epidemiology at Orebro University Hospital in Sweden,Dr. Lennart Hardell, determined that extended mobile phone use could triple the risk of a certain kind of brain cancer.

Even if the wearables are not being used, they are still able to emit harmful radiations that can pose long term health risks and adverse effects with prolonged exposure over extended periods.


Some of these adverse health effects and symptoms because of electromagnetic radiation exposure may include headaches, possible genetic damage, an impaired immune system, memory loss, fatigue, eye problems, and changes in the electrical activity in the brain.


Improve Your Personal Space with the Protector

If you constantly feel down, lethargic, or stressed for reasons you are unsure of, then it is probably due to excessive exposure to the radiation around you. The FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector puts a protective shield around you for a proximity of ten meters. So not only you but the people that are around you are also protected.


Protection devices harmonize the atmosphere around you by neutralizing the positive ions which pollute it. Doing so allows oxygen more room in the atmosphere, leading to better breathing for you and those around you.


You no longer have to put up with the nauseous feeling and headaches you get from excessive exposure to radiation due to the electronic devices around you. With the FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector, you get 100% protection from electromagnetic radiation from all sources; ensuring your DNA is safe from transformation and you live a healthy, radiation-free life.

EMF protection Orgone Orgonite



What is the Difference Between a Phone Harmonizer and Smart Watch Harmonizer?


Functionality wise there is no difference. They both act to harmonize the positive ions emitted by the electronic devices they are used on. However, there is a difference when it comes to size. The Smart Watch Harmonizer is smaller in size so it can easily fit on small wearable. Even though it may be smaller in size, it is equally as effective as the Phone Harmonizer.



You can pair the two together if you have several devices that you use at one time. Pairing them will provide optimal protection from the radiation for you and those around you.

We tend to buy electronic devices in hopes that they make our lives easier without ever thinking about the negative impacts they may have on us. With the proper protection, you don’t ever have to worry about the negative impacts electronic devices have on you and your family.

So, protect yourself today with the FitBit, Watch & Hearing Aid Protector.