The Ultimate Zapper QE2 Model

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Quantum QE 2 Model Ultimate Zapper

The most potent model of The  Zapper ever produced yet which doubles as a "magnetic pulser".

The new Quantum QE2 Ultimate Zapper is made using "Neutrik" technology with high quality gold-plated connectors, and comes with these unique attributes included :

1.       A 12-volt Universal Transform AC Adapter which significantly raises amperage to boosts the energy healing qualities.

2.      Two sets of handholds.   One pair in highly conductive copper and the other pair in stainless steel.  This combination will create an incredible synergy of energy.

3.      Highly conductive copper foot pads to enhance the potency, used in tandem with the two sets of handholds.

4.      Magnets inside a modified magnet array to significantly broaden the energy frequencies covered by the Quantum QE2 Ultimate Zapper.

5.      Amethyst crystals within the crystal matrix will significantly improve the delicate energy healing qualities of the Amethyst crystals.

6.       A totally different frequency (2000Hz) which produces better synergy with the new and improved features.

Recent testing and research trials of the Quantum Model QE2 Ultimate Zapper has created completely new and amazing results.

You can begin zapping at fifteen seconds and you zapping without the breaks is fine. Many individuals are reporting incredible results and are not even requiring zapping daily to get and to maintain their results.

The Ultimate Zapper is a "Zappicator" as well, so you can place your food, wine, drinks and water on your Footplates and zapped for 10 minutes to kill any micro-organisms in them prior to consumption (and yes even your pets!).

*** We do not recommended Zapping while you are Pregnant.

Free Liver Cleanse eBook

You will also receive a FREE eBook called The Ultimate Liver Cleanse, comes with your order for this item. 

Doing The Ultimate Liver Cleanse, you will see incredible improvements to your health and wellness, such as improvements to difficult to eradicate conditions such as sinus issues, Rosacea acne, Psorasis  and more, will improve greatly, and even disappear altogether, when you complete The Ultimate Liver Cleanse, as these conditions often relate to with Liver function.   

Ultimate Zapper Shipping and Packaging Included In Price

Shipping and packaging of The Ultimate Zapper is included via International Express Post to your door.

With the exception of additional International Courier Charges which apply for the Middle East (but not Israel as International Registered Post applies only for this country).  

Download your Liver Cleanse eBook and Ultimate Zapper Instructions immediate after purchase.