Orgone Energy Australia
Raw Shungite
Authentic raw shungite is an amazing option for water purification and EMF protection.
Raw Shungite is a unique mineral known for its purifying and healing properties. Its incredible ability to act as a natural water filter helps to remove toxic chemicals and make the water healthier for drinking.
Additionally, its protective properties offer a wellness boost, providing a further layer of defense against environmental elements.
What is Shungite?
Shungite is an ancient stone whose origins are surrounded by mystery. However, we do know this amazing stone is believed to be over 2 billion years old.
Shungite is so unique because it can be made up almost entirely of carbon. In fact, elite shungite, which is the most rare form, can be comprised of up to 98% carbon.
Carbon is formed from old organic materials such as forests. This means the contents of shungite formed before there was life on earth.
With this high carbon content comes the healing and protective abilities of fullerenes. Fullerenes are carbon molecules with a unique hollow shape similar to that of a soccer ball.
Proven Healing Abilities
Fullerenes are a type of carbon nanostructure. Carbon nanostructures have been found to have the ability to damage cell walls of bacteria and viruses giving them the ability to destroy harmful pathogens.
In addition, fullerenes can inhibit cell damage by counteracting free radicals and have been scientifically proven to act as long-lasting antioxidants.
Shungite also has the ability to purify water. Shungite's ability to remove contaminants from water was demonstrated in a 2018 study.
Furthermore, it was discovered that shungite was able to remove radioactive compounds from water in a 2017 study.
Shungite for EMF Protection
Shungite's protective abilities extend to include EMF protection according to a 2003 study. While this study was done on animals, many are experiencing the same results at home.
The Benefits of Raw Shungite
Raw shungite stones are considered the classic form of shungite.
Due to the raw form, as they occur in nature, they retain their strength longer than any other form.
Raw shungite stones can be used for different purposes. For instance, meditating with a raw shungite stone in your hand will make you feel secure and balanced.
When you put a nugget of raw shungite in your pocket, you will feel the positive and energizing power of the stone every day, wherever you go.
Also, you can put a raw shungite stone on your table or TV to protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Raw shungite stones are mostly used for water purification.
The biggest advantage of using raw shungite stone for water purification is that the raw stones do not lose their absorbent properties so you can reuse them over and over.
This is particularly true when you recharge them under the sun.
A Natural Healer
Raw Shungite nuggets appear to be a powerful energy stabilizer and natural healer.
Shungite can protect you from the influence of electromagnetic fields and negative energies, and help keep your body and spirit in harmony.
Furthermore, you can use Raw Shungite nuggets to make energized shungite water to stay balanced and healthy.
In addition, each shungite nugget has a unique shape, making it a perfect addition to your crystal collection.
Buy authentic Raw Shungite stone for water purification and EMF protection and amazing healing properties!
Material and Size
Material: Raw Shungite
Shape: Raw stone
Stone size 20-40 mm
What is Shungite Raw Elite?
Raw Shungite is the cheapest of all shungite crystal types. It contains the darkest black color despite being 35-50% low in carbon. When brushed, this type of rock acquires a dull gray luster and is best suited for use in shungite water.
What is Raw Shungite Good For?
Raw Shungite is said to relax and calm all who use it. It’s extremely potent and purifies the body and mind. It cleanses you and the surrounding spaces of negative energy. Here are some of the other benefits of Raw Shungite.
Chakra Balancing
Among the most potent effects of using shungite is how it helps balance the chakras.
Shungite energy awakens emotions and thoughts that force us to examine our patterns, beliefs, and events in our lives that cause us pain.
It even detoxifies areas associated with different chakras, so it is recommended to experiment with the use of shungite little by little until you get used to its energy.
Using shungite will not only enhance chakra healing but will also neutralize the energy released by an overactive or blocked chakra.
Energy neutralization allows you to practice chakra healing safely and restore balance to the Root Chakra.
This chakra center is tied to your sense of security, financial life, and grounding, so keeping it balanced is essential to your overall well-being. It is also believed that when the root chakra is out of balance (since it is the base chakra), the entire center chakra is out of balance.
EMF Radiation Protection
We are surrounded by technology all day and our devices emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) that can negatively affect how we feel and our well-being.
Shungite properties can harmonize harmful energies to reduce the effects of these devices on our energy field.
Wearing a piece of shungite allows you to carry the powerful protective energies everywhere and protect you from the harmful radiation you may encounter throughout the day.
Energy Field Detoxification
One of the lesser-known healing properties of shungite is its ability to help cleanse your energy.
By clearing and releasing negative or unwanted energies from your system, Shungite allows you to maintain a high energy vibration.
When used for this purpose, shungite moves frequencies and waves around and within you. It brings you back to yourself on a vibrational frequency, like a detox for your soul.
Through detoxification, the benefits of using shungite strengthen your sense of grounding and stability, allowing you to maintain your highest status no matter what is happening around you.