Amazonite Chakra

Amazonite Chakra

Amazonite Chakra: Awaken Your Heart and Throat Chakras! This stunning gemstone unlocks self-love, clear communication and inner peace. Discover healing benefits and find your perfect Amazonite at Orgone Energy, a leader in ethically sourced crystals. Shop Now!

Do you feel like something’s missing in your life? Have you ever wished to be more attuned to yourself and all the opportunities around you? If so, then exploring Amazonite Chakra may hold an answer for you.


This calming stone has a deep connection with certain chakras – specifically the Heart and Throat Chakras - playing a crucial role in how we communicate and connect with others.


With its beautiful shades of blue and green, it is believed that this vibrant gem can help open up these chakras, creating balance and harmony in our body and spirit. It can also provide clarity on issues related to self-love, and compassionate communication, allowing for greater understanding of ourselves as well as increased energy levels.

Keep reading to delve deeper into this crystal’s connection to each of the chakras and how it can heal imbalances within them today!


Which Chakra is Amazonite Good For?



Chakras are your body’s energy centers, also called Prana or Qi. These chakras influence specific physical, mental, or emotional states. Each point is linked to a color, and frequently, a gemstone whose color has the greatest influence on the corresponding chakra.


A gemstone of truth and courage, Amazonite resonates powerfully with the heart and throat chakras.


It harmonizes and connects them, allowing you to maintain an open heart and present yourself to the world without worrying about the judgment of others. Its effects include enhancing communication, sincerity, eloquence, and truth while evoking feelings related to love, self-acceptance, and relationships.

Situated behind the breastbone between the lungs, the thymus gland, particularly active during youthful years, plays a role in stimulating the immune system. Notably, this area falls directly under the influence of the Heart Chakra.

When choosing the color of Amazonite, keep in mind that you are choosing a predominantly green variety and choosing a gemstone that aligns more strongly with the heart chakra. On the other hand, if you choose a blue one, its resonance will be more aligned with the Throat Chakra.

Generally, the heart chakra is the hub of emotional healing. It promotes self-love and compassion when clear. 

Additionally, this region is associated with relationships and romance, but most commonly symbolizes unconditional love. Conversely, the Throat Chakra is the center of communication. When activated, it refines your voice and helps you speak concisely and clearly.

This is an important energy center in the chakra system because it empowers you to transform energy into words or, if you are creative, into artistic expression. It is also interconnected with the physical health of the throat and vocal cords.

The Heart Chakra

What Is a Heart Chakra?

Some consider the fourth chakra, known as the Heart Chakra, to be the most influential among the seven chakras.


Inspired by the exploration of the divine through pure love, the heart chakra opens channels within the heart, allowing for the free exchange of giving and receiving.


In Sanskrit, it is called Anahata, which means “unstruck“ or “unbeaten“ and suggests an impartial and infinite love. This chakra is situated in the chest‘s energy center, around the heart.


Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra



When chakras are blocked, their impact extends across our entire being, often manifesting as physical ailments or illnesses. The heart chakra’s influence directly reaches the heart, chest, lungs, hands, and arms.


When they are misaligned, it can cause poor circulation, low or high blood pressure, as well as various other lung and heart conditions. 


Problems that can occur in the body can include bronchitis, pneumonia, and circulatory problems as well. Blocked energy can deeply affect our mental state and the nature of our mind. Mentally, an unbalanced heart chakra can lead to challenges like manipulative behavior, codependency, feelings of worthlessness, and difficulty in trusting oneself or others.

Additional signs of a blocked heart chakra may include excessive defensiveness, feelings of jealousy, fear of intimacy, and assuming roles of victimhood or savior.

Signs of a Balanced Heart Chakra



When the heart chakra is well aligned, you will feel enveloped in compassion, love, and joy and connected to the surrounding world. You will open yourself to all of life’s experiences and feel that challenges, particularly in relationships, seem to flow through and can be easily resolved.


A well-balanced heart chakra allows you to appreciate all the beauty and love that surrounds you and truly connect with yourself, your loved ones, and the natural world.


Additionally, this chakra helps direct love inward, enabling genuine self-love and acceptance of ourselves and our bodies.

How Does Amazonite Heal the Heart Chakra?

Amazonite Tower 

Amazonite plays a comprehensive role in balancing and healing the heart chakra. Through its soothing energy, it encourages the cultivation of love, empathy, and compassion, promoting a deep connection with oneself and others. The crystal’s influence extends to relationships, fostering strength and harmony.

Additionally, Amazonite contributes to inner peace and calmness, creating a supportive environment for emotional well-being.


Its calming properties are instrumental in alleviating anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of tranquility.


As a result, the heart chakra can experience a holistic healing process, addressing both emotional and relational aspects.

The Throat Chakra


What is the Throat Chakra?

The Vishuddha chakra is linked with the throat, but also with the tongue, cheeks, lips, ears, jaw, back, lower neck, and shoulders. Its zone of influence is the region extending from the shoulder girdle through the neck to the chin and spanning along the cervical spine down to the base of the skull. Within the pages of MetaAnatomy, Kristin Leal characterizes this chakra as a “tollgate between the mind and the emotions.”


 You can consider it as the conduit of communication, bridging the lower chakras with the higher ones.


While the first four chakras (root, sacral, navel, and heart) are associated with the physical body and the earth elements, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra are associated with intuition, light, beauty, and spiritual or cosmic energy. The throat chakra is the bridge between these areas. As Leal says, it is “the highway between the universal and the individual.”

It establishes a link between the energies associated with your fundamental needs and those connected to higher wisdom.

Kendal Esquerre elucidates that the throat chakra collaborates with the sacral chakra, which is the seat of creativity. For these creative ideas to thrive and materialize, they must be able to be expressed. This is where the throat chakra comes in. Your creative ideas need the energy of this chakra to find a “voice” in the world.

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra



Emotional signs that your throat chakra may be out of balance may include low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression. It can get worse if you can’t express these feelings.

A blockage of the throat chakra often manifests as difficulty in expressing yourself. There is an unspoken truth within you, yet summoning the courage to vocalize it seems elusive.

Or, desiring to express yourself, you encounter a lump in your throat or a hitch in your voice. This imbalance can also manifest as a fear of public speaking or even communicating openly with people you are familiar with. Or maybe you speak in a barely audible voice.

A blocked throat chakra can prevent you from wanting or being able to defend yourself, share your opinions, or declare your choices. 

When you are faced with challenging conversations, you may prefer to remain silent rather than speak. Although the throat chakra is linked with silence, an imbalance in the other direction can be indicated by excessive talking or rambling without a clear focus. This may involve inadvertently saying the wrong things, using inappropriate language, or making statements that miss the mark.

If you notice tendencies like interrupting others, talking over people, dominating conversations, or always needing to have the last word, it would be beneficial to look for ways to balance the Vishuddha energy.

Signs of a Balanced Throat Plexus Chakra



A balanced throat chakra empowers you to communicate with discernment, wisdom, and clarity. With a balanced and open throat chakra, you not only have the ability to speak with compassion and fearlessness but also remain receptive to listening and understanding others.


The ability to communicate openly and honestly, coupled with care and concern for others, is a valuable asset in all your relationships.


You will find yourself articulating your opinions, feelings, and ideas clearly. If you can express your thoughts clearly, you will also be able to feel heard and understood. Effective communication goes beyond verbal expression as it encompasses internal and non-verbal signals. Telling yourself the truth (and constantly walking in that truth) is a path to enlightenment.

How Does Amazonite Heal the Throat Chakra?


Amazonite Sphere

Amazonite contributes to the healing of the throat chakra by enhancing courage, communication, creativity, and self-discovery. It can soothe the mind and dispel negative energies, including anxiety, stress, and anger.

It is believed to promote mental clarity and inner calm. Beyond its vibrant green hue, this crystal provides calming energy that fosters harmony and balance within the emotional body.

 It actively stimulates feelings of tranquility and peace, creating a supportive environment for throat chakra healing.

How to Use Amazonite for Chakra Healing and Balancing

As mentioned above, Amazonite is a stone of the throat and heart chakras. All of its communication and relationship benefits have clearly demonstrated this. But Amazonite not only strengthens these two points of the chakras but also helps to open the third eye, thus sharpening intuition towards yourself or others.

When worn as jewelry close to the throat and neck, Amazonite establishes a connection between the throat and thymus, revealing and healing deep-seated feelings.

Amazonite is in harmony with the heart chakra. This will help you stay in tune with your needs and emotions. When it comes to your throat chakra, remember that a balanced throat chakra is important for overall health and balance.

Healthy communication results from a balanced and unblocked throat chakra. A bluish or blue-green Amazonite is ideal for balancing and strengthening the throat chakra, while a light blue Amazonite provides balance, flexibility, and relaxation. Dark blue Amazonite promotes honesty and truthfulness.

How to Use Amazonite to Heal the Throat Chakra


To harness the healing properties of Amazonite for the throat chakra, there are several effective methods. According to proponents of this practice, the following can be done with stones:

  • Place Over Your Throat Chakra: Position the stone directly over your throat chakra or at the base of your throat during meditation.
  • Wear as Jewelry: Create a necklace or bracelet by wrapping the Amazonite stone in a cord or wire (or simply buy an Amazonite necklace or bracelet). Wearing it as jewelry allows for continuous contact with the throat chakra.
  • Carry With You: Keep an Amazonite stone in your purse or pocket. This allows you to absorb energy from the stone as you move around.
  • Use as Décor: To infuse your space with the balancing energy of Amazonite, incorporate them into your décor by placing the stones on your side table or desk.

Remember, patience is key when working with chakra stones, as it may take some time for the stone’s energy to address issues with the throat chakra.

How to Use Amazonite to Heal the Heart Chakra

How to Use Amazonite to Heal the Heart Chakra


Optimize the healing potential of the heart chakra using Amazonite through a mindful meditation practice. Begin by selecting a tranquil space, and holding a piece of Amazonite crystal in your hand, allowing its energy to resonate with your intention for heart chakra healing. For a more immersive experience, place the crystal directly on the heart chakra.

As you lie down in a relaxed position, focus your attention on the Amazonite’s energy, allowing it to permeate your being. Engage in deep intentional breaths, visualizing the crystal’s influence as it works to unblock and realign the intricate energy of the heart chakra.

Final Thoughts on the Amazonite Chakra

So, whether you’re struggling with self-love, communication with others, or simply wanting to tap into a deeper level of understanding and energy, Amazonite may hold the answer for you. Its connection to the Heart and Throat chakras has been long revered in the spiritual community and its calming and balancing properties make it a must-have in your crystal collection.

Whether you choose to wear it in the form of a necklace or bracelet, display it as a beautiful tower or sphere, or simply keep a small piece in your pocket as a reminder to stay connected to yourself, this gem can truly bring positive change into your life.

From its stunning shades of blue and green to its powerful energetic properties, Amazonite is not just a stone but an essential tool on our journey towards self-discovery and growth. It’s time to take that step towards healing imbalances and finding harmony within ourselves. Choose from our curated selection to tailor your chakra practice.