Learning about EMF doesn't have to be difficult. Access our library of articles to get all the need to know information at your fingertips.
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) is a complex subject that can be difficult to digest. After all, not all of us have a science background.
EMFs are a combination of both electric and magnetic fields. The strength of this energy is directly impacted by the electric current (amount of electricity being used) and the voltage (the amount of electricity available).
However, with the known research and impacts of EMF on the body, it is an important subject to understand.
In order to make this knowledge as accessible as possible, we have created an information library where you can easily access informative articles that are backed up with scientific research.
You can click on the graphics below to read the studies mentioned.
10 Ways to Protect Yourself From EMF
Can Shungite Offer EMF and 5G Protection?
How Many Microteslas are Safe?
EMF Unit - Measuring, Definition, Symbols, Units, and Formula
EMF Levels Chart: Are you at Risk?
How to Choose Plants that Absorb Radiation
EMF Protection in Cars, Aeroplanes, and Water Fluoridation
Is it Safe to Have an Electrical Substation Near Me?
How to Reduce or Block Smart Meter EMF
How to Reduce or Block EMF From Solar Inverters
How to Reduce EMF From an Induction Cooktop
How to Protect Yourself From WIFI Radiaton
What is a Safe Distance From a Cell Tower?
What is a Safe Distance to Live From Power Lines?
How to Block Radio Waves in your Home
Ultimate Guide to Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity