What is the Purple Aura Quartz Meaning? - Orgone Energy Australia

What is the Purple Aura Quartz Meaning?

Learn the Purple Aura Quartz Meaning and how it can impact your life. 

The Purple Aura Quartz generators magnify and purify your desires, intentions, and prayers before sending them straight to the Source. Aura quartz has become a favorite meditation tool for many people. When you take one of these generators home with you, you’ll understand why. 

Purple Aura Quartz connects us with other areas that give us a deep understanding of the universe. 


This pink platinum-coated crystal is a powerful cosmic link that will help you understand your spiritual purpose. 


It is a magnificent energy regulator that avoids electromagnetic smog.


These pieces are reminiscent of fairy tale realms, enchanted forests, unicorns, rainbows, and worlds that we know exist but can’t see with our mortal eyes. 


The shape of the generator and the aura processing add such bright multi-colored light prisms to each piece. 


Clear quartz increases all energies. It attracts energy and retains energy for the wearer. You can program it to contain your sacred intentions. Over time, quartz sticks to the bearer and almost remembers your growth, desires, and needs. 

The purple aura resonates with the chakras of the Crown and the Third-Eye. Use this Purple Aura Quartz in the center of your altar or spiritual connection network. Or meditate as you call your guides or open the crown chakra.



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What Does a Violet/Purple Aura Mean?


 Purple aura


Purple is the color of the crown chakra, which relates to the connection with our dreams and our higher consciousness. 

People with purple auras are charismatic, dynamic, and have strong personalities. Their mission or task in life is to guide and inspire humanity and lead us into a new era of fulfillment, happiness, and prosperity. They usually have an inner compelling urge to do something important with their life. 


Since people with violet-purple energy have both intuition and knowledge, they can typically see and understand the “big picture” of any situation without getting lost in details.


They are natural empaths who can easily assess the vibrations of others. They crave connection and present themselves as open books to encourage and inspire others to share.


Violet auras vibrate at a very high speed, indicating a close connection with the universe and invisible forms of life energy.


Those with purple emissions in their energy field usually have high levels of mental activity and the ability to manifest their projections in the material world. Also, they show a high level of originality in innovative thinking, forward-thinking, and openness that affect the entire matrix of universal life.


How to Use Purple Aura Quartz Generators


purple quartz

Purple aura quartz is created when indium, pure solid gold, and sometimes niobium bind to clear quartz. These pieces with the dazzling reflection of radiant rainbows stimulate body and mind with their strong vibrations. It is a gem that facilitates connection and communication with the higher realms, with our past lives, and with our guides. 

The aura quartz will lead you beyond the veil and open the crown chakra to reveal and develop a completely new level of psychological and intuitive consciousness. You can use the purple aura quartz in meditation as they really allow for strong spiritual contact. And they are magical to look at.


How to Use Titanium Aura Quartz


titanium aura quartz


Titanium Aura Quartz contains water energy that is typically associated with the northern part of your home or room. It is also linked to your life and your professional career.


If you want to increase the energy of your Titanium Aura Quartz, place it in the northern area of ​​your space. It will help you achieve your goals and create more satisfaction and happiness in every aspect of your life. 


To use it to balance the aura or chakras, lie on your back in a comfortable position and place one piece of this quartz below the tailbone and another above the crown of the head. Carry it in your pocket for vigorous cleaning throughout the day.


How Can I Tell If My Aura is Compatible with Other People’s?


aura compatibility


Just like astrological signs, some aura colors are more compatible with others. Here is the breakdown.

  • When you have a white aura, any color corresponds to your energy. Take care not to absorb the emotions of other people because you are prone to that.
  • When you have a black aura, a golden aura serves as healing energy for both of you.
  • When you have a gray aura, then a magenta aura can help you find purpose.
  • When you have a brown aura, a light green aura will help to open your heart.
  • When you have a red aura, a light green aura will help both of you to turn passions into reality.
  • When you have an orange aura, a dark blue aura enhances the positive mood between the two of you.
  • When you have a yellow aura, adding a bright purple aura will motivate and inspire both of you in your artistic endeavors.
  • When you have a green aura, adding a purple aura will make both of you more spiritual.
  • When you have a blue aura, adding a pink aura blends in with creative greatness.
  • When you have an indigo aura, adding a turquoise aura will make you feel more sociable or called to do more outdoor activities.
  • When you have a purple aura, a red aura will help you both understand each other’s emotions on a spiritual level.

How Does Angel Aura Quartz Help You?


angel aura quartz


Angel Aura Quartz is created through an alchemical process in which clear quartz is combined with platinum. It appears as an iridescent white or transparent stone that glows with a pearlescent rainbow luster. 

Angel Aura Quartz allows you to enhance your meditation so that you can open yourself up to enjoy deep spiritual experiences and discover divine knowledge. The angel aura helps you connect with your spirit guides and angels. 


Angel Aura quartz brings light and love to any situation and promotes peace, compassion, kindness, and calm. It enables forgiveness of self and others and, in turn, helps mend broken relationships.


Angel Aura Quartz will help you let go of everything that held you back in the past. It helps with resolving disagreements and problems as it fosters romance and love. Also, it teaches you to speak kindly and compassionately. 


Angel Aura Quartz provides support in all stages of pregnancy. If you suffer from postpartum depression or morning sickness, wear or carry Angel Aura Quartz to enhance your mood and remind you of the beauty and wonder of childbirth. 


If they are placed in a nursery, they can help the little ones to settle down and sleep soundly. Angel Aura Quartz is compatible with single mothers and can be used every day to give them guidance and strength.

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